I did not have the intention of posting 2 posts in a row about our walks along the river but we went back on a very foggy morning and it was so beautiful, I thought I'd share.
Does It Go To Narnia?
A Turkey Vulture In Flight.
Wild Geese.
Whose Web?
Velvety Mushrooms.
Can You Spot the Squirrel?
Did A Faery Waved Her Wand To Bring In Spring?
Surely The Faery Folk Live here.
Flight Of Geese.
Beautiful Lichen.
Silhouette Of A Turkey Vulture.
How Many Turkey Vultures Can You Spot?
Wild Turkeys.
And I'm so happy to have my little Elf to share all of this with...
January 2011.
A Turkey Vulture In Flight.
Wild Geese.
Velvety Mushrooms.
Can You Spot the Squirrel?
Did A Faery Waved Her Wand To Bring In Spring?

Majestic Oak.
Flight Of Geese.
Beautiful Lichen.
The Deer In The Fog.
The Meadow. How Many Turkey Vultures Can You Spot?
Wild Turkeys.
And I'm so happy to have my little Elf to share all of this with...